You will find your current glasses' dimensions inside of the temple.
Aether recommends Item Customizations for the following face shapes
Splitit installment payments at 0 % interest: How does it work exactly? |
Are there any extra fees involved? |
Which credit cards does Splitit support? |
Do I have to maintain the required available credit amount on my credit card? |
What happens if the ordered glasses is notimmediately available? |
What happens if I return the glasses? |
When and where can I choose the number of installments for my payment plan? |
我可以为我的Aether眼镜配上带近视镜片吗? 你可以到附近的眼镜店,让专业人士在Aether太阳镜或者平光镜上更换你所需要的近视镜片。 |
什么是音频眼镜 音频眼镜是可穿戴的蓝牙设备,用于收听音乐、播客和任何音频文件。 它们支持麦克风,非常适合拨打电话和访问语音助手。 |
电池能用多久? 眼镜的连续播放时间长达 3 小时(中等音量)。 搭配使用无线充电盒可提供长达 12 小时的延长播放时间。 |
音频眼镜怎么播放声音? 音频眼镜的镜腿处安装了一小套定向扬声器,小型扬声器发出的声音和其他扬声器工作原理一样,小型扬声器能更好的把声音传进你的耳朵。 |
Are the glasses water-resistant? Aether audio eyewear is water-resistant but not waterproof. The frames can resist a sustained, low-pressure water jet spray but cannot be submerged underwater. |
Do the glasses use bone conduction technology? Aether does not use bone conduction technology as there are certain limitations with this type of technology. Aether uses open ear audio technology directed at the user's ears. |